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The Baptist University of Florida shall operate within the confines of a Christian worldview to promote, provide for, operate and control a program of education and training for Christian leaders through awarding certificates and associate, baccalaureate, and graduate degrees in a co-educational post secondary setting.

To fulfill its mission, the college seeks to develop those qualities in students that contribute to effective ministry. In the area of personal growth, we seek to foster a desire for knowledge; develop cultural awareness by introducing students to a wide range of knowledge; nurture the ability to acquire, evaluate, assimilate, and use information; and promote personal and social maturity.

For spiritual growth, we provide the resources for gaining biblical and religious data; we also assist students in learning and living the Christian life. In terms of professional growth, students are enabled to gain the credentials that enhance opportunities for ministry, and they learn to master a specialized body of knowledge.

At the same time, we encourage positive attitudes toward ministry and foster both an awareness
of and a loyalty to the Southern Baptist heritage.